Education & Career

What is a part time job online for 2 hours per day?

If you are a freelancer/housewife or anyone looking for a part time job that can work from home /work from the office then there are many types of jobs available for these types of people. Why part-time is available these days? It is because some companies and organizations need short-term work daily and they have a limited budget to offer such roles. We will discuss what kinds of profiles are available nowadays:

Part Time jobs are as follows:

1.Data Entries Part time work

These are various online platform provides data entry sheet daily. It easily done online. What they need to do this simply open an Excel sheet and start entries provided by them. The entries comprise bulk data and information. Employees can easily access the sheet online. It generally takes 4-5 hours to complete the daily task. Those interested can bid on the projects in Freelancer, Upwork, LinkedIn, and Guru

2. Content Writing (Part time/Full Time)

This is a common need in every company and whoever is having their website then definitely needs a writer to write content and provide them. Now several types of people may require contact daily or they may require a part-time basis. All of it depends on the requirement. The same thing is available in various platforms such as Freelancer, Guru, Upwork, and many types of digital marketing companies. People easily can compete with their price rates per word with the parties. This is very useful to those who would like to grow their career in the content writing field. Generally, these types of jobs are available in work from the type that people can provide from their native places. 

3. Telecallers Job

This position is mostly vacant in marketing types companies where they have a large customer list and need somebody who can call them daily to filter out the leads or select those who are interested. These openings are generally available in call center types companies, consultancy, and hr agencies where number people call hundreds of people in a day and search out interested leads. Similarly, this work is available in online mode as well. 

4. Digital Marketing

Here people can offer the websites to rank in search engines. Digital Marketing help the website to be in first in number  of searches. There are number of openings available in this time. As many websites are developed and deployed, there is a need to digital marking expert to rank the website e.g. offpage and on page.

5. Tutor/Teaching

Nowadays more educational platforms are available for each student due to the period of lockdown such as Unacademy, Akash IIT-Jee, and many more where they generally hire teachers and trainers who can take classes and complete the syllabus of the students. Many organization also provides arrangements such as whiteboard, syllabus, cameras, and many digital devices so that teacher can teach students while sitting at their home

6. Computer Operator  

By the name, you can understand that this job is also related to the computer where entire things are done with the help of a computer. There are various types of work available that can be possible if a computer operator is hired in an organization. Most local companies generally hire part-time people who can finish their work, get paid and both parties are satisfied with their needs.


So these are some examples that are very fruitful to those who would like to do this part-time job. If you want to increase your salary this can be an option where you can try. There are many more profiles available

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